About Us

Thank you for choosing Easy Domains (ezd.co) for your website services!
EZ Domains (est. 2000) was originally formed from a small computer company that opened in 1997. 

Company founder S. Scott (May 2000)
There are few companies today offering Hosting Services that are fully managed by their provider.  That’s about to change.  Our goal is not only to provide the best hosting technologies but to assist our clients with implementing it in their business.

In 2000 the company launched their Hosting Provider services under the brand “Hostfinity”.  No one could have anticipated the sudden surge of grown as we quickly outgrew two data centers.

In 2005 Hostfinity reached an agreement Godaddy.com to migrate all their clients to the Godaddy platform while maintaining the competitive pricing model offered through Hostfinity. Hostfinity has become EZ Domains ezd.co (Powered by Godaddy). Offering better pricing, 24/7 Customer Service and the discounted pricing our dedicated customers deserved.


We are your all-in-one solution to grow online. Create your own website, get a domain name, fast hosting, WordPress, online marketing, and award-winning 24/7 support (480) 624-2500.

Find & register your perfect domain name with us. We are here to help you turn your ideas into reality and succeed online.